Our consultants

CR&M Compensation Consultants: a tailored team at your service.
The objective of our consultants at CR&M Conseil en compensation is to build a real competitive advantage for our clients. Our customised solutions are secure and quickly accessible thanks to the skills of our team and those of our partners at the service of your projects.

Since 2001, the consultants of the CR&M compensation Consulting Group have been advising SMEs and large companies based in France, Morocco, Switzerland, Poland, Germany and China on how to design sustainable, more motivating and less costly remuneration solutions in complete security. The quality of our services is based on the skills, experience and complementarity of our consultants:

Philippe Wallerich

Senior Consultant

Marseille - Lyon - Paris


Philippe Wallerich has for 15 years extensive experience in compensation consulting missions for French or international companies: audit, diagnosis, benchmark, variable compensation,
Shareholding, employee savings, performance sharing, communication
Pay… He leads numerous training courses and conferences in the field of performance compensation, profit-sharing schemes, performance management, total compensation and social audit. He also has 14 years of experience managing functional and operational teams in Banking and, internationally, in Project Engineering.

Sylvain Philippon

Sylvain Philippon




I have specialized in finding savings in payroll taxes since 2005. My job is in a 1st step to detect if contributions have been wrongly paid to the administration. This phase is completely free and fast from the pay slips. If I find potential savings and if the entrepreneur agrees, I take care of recovering the undue sums in the past and reduce the contributions in the future. If and only if the company makes money from my intervention, then I pay myself up to 35% of the result exclusively. The avenues for savings are strictly technical-legal (lack of computer settings, error of legislative application …). My outstanding references: Conforama, Botanic, Paragraph, Intermarché, ADMR, Proxiserve, Desautel… I recover about 3,000,000 euros on behalf of about fifty companies each year


Senior Consultant


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Our values

Our added value

Our consultants

  • Contact Marseille - Lyon - Paris
  • Philippe WALLERICH
  • Tél. : 06 83 88 63 03
  • Mail : pw@conseilremuneration.fr
  • Contact Aix-en-Provence
  • Patrick DESPIERRES
  • Tél. : 07 82 13 36 50
  • Mail : dp@conseilremuneration.fr
  • Contact Nancy
  • Sylvain PHILIPPON
  • Tél. : 06 61 54 88 10
  • Mail : s.philippon@economies-charges.fr